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AWS Outage affecting US Virgina customers

Incident window: December 07, 2021 15:37 UTC to 23:03 UTC
The AWS Service Status page will have the lastest information about the known issues and actions that AWS is taking.

Impacted Cloud services:

Impact Level : high

AWS Regional outage in Virgina is being investigated.

[2021-12-07 15:45 UTC] The underlying Virginia region is returning API errors for many services. We are working with AWS to understand the issues, impacts, and recovery timeline.

[2021-12-07 22:35 UTC] The underlying Virginia region is returning to normal. There was no outage of the Kony Cloud runtime services, but custom code that directly invoked AWS APIs from customer written services may have failed. The ability for customers to deploy updates was impacted as this activty requires API calls to some of the impacted AWS services.

[2021-12-07 23:03 UTC] Resolved. The issues that resulted from the network failure have been addressed, services are restored, and the serivce backlog has recovered.